Name of Interview: Lora Ruffner (Ebony Eyes)
Date Interviewed: April 26, 2004
DV Tapes Filled: 1 Hour
Location: Ohio

xmas31.ans.png (3.5K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Peace and Joy This Holiday Season
flag_2.ans.png (9.3K) Tribute to Third Stage BBS and Ebony Eyes by Vince
garfield.ans.png (5.4K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Garfield and Pooky by Ebony Eyes (1989)
fghrlghn.ans.png (3.7K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Foghorn Leghorn (1990)
hornplty.ans.png (3.7K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Horn of Plenty (1989)
pinochio.ans.png (4.9K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Truth is, You Should Be Calling Third Stage
innrchrs.ans.png (5.3K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Inner Chorus BBS, Home of the ANSI Art Gallery
koala.ans.png (5.2K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Koala Bear (1990)
want.ans.png (13K) BBS AD: I Want YOU at Tesla Coil BBS (ANSI Artist All-Star List, Including Ebony Eyes) (1991)
ms_piggy.ans.png (5.0K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Miss Piggy (1989)
sb_ee.ans.png (4.0K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Silver Bells, Silver Bells
bwah.ans.png (8.0K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Bwah! BBS: Becomes Some Things in Life are Worth It (1989)
lisa-s.ans.png (3.4K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Lisa Simpson (1990) (21K) Additional Collection of Ebony Eyes ANSIS
eyore.ans.png (4.8K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Don't Be Down on the Dumps, You Have Time on the Circuit Board
darth.ans.png (4.4K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Image of Darth Vader (1990)
choochoo.ans.png (3.3K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Image of a Train
odie.ans.png (4.9K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Odie, The Circuit Board BBS
spuds.ans.png (4.6K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Spuds McKenzie (1989)
xmas30.ans.png (4.1K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow (24K) Zip of Original Ebony Eyes ANSIs (1989-1990)
oldfarts.ans.png (5.6K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: The Old Fart Network: Darn Da Warren Kids
dumbo.ans.png (5.2K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Don't be a Dumbo, call The Circuit Board
pb4th.ans.png (8.0K) ANSI by Ebony Eyes: Postbusters Wishes You a Safe Holiday (Modified by MArk Hughs)

An opportunity came up to speak at an Arts and Technology conference in Cleveland called "Notacon" in April 2004, so I started compiling some information to give a one-hour presentation about it. During this time, I discussed some details with RaD Man of ACiD, who I interviewed twice and who has become a good friend and colleague in research. He floated the idea of coming along to the convention, and I floated back the idea of us doing the presentation together, and the plan was solidified.

This in itself would have been a great weekend, but it also allowed me the opportunity to slip one more important interview under the wire.

RaD Man had been renewing ties with Ebony Eyes (Lora Ruffner), who had been one of the bigger-name ANSI artists of the late 1980s before the ANSI "Art Scene" became the unstoppable juggernaut it was in the early 1990s. Even though he'd found her and she was open to being interviewed, I didn't know the next time I'd be in her area in Ohio. This presentation and con attendance, combined with RaD Man's coming along, sealed the deal.

Our presentation went well, and the Sunday after the convention, we travelled by car south into Ohio, having a great time discussing plans and ideas, and preparing for the interview. We'd left it open with Lora as to the exact time and circumstances, and she confirmed us for 5pm on Monday, including an invitiation to go out to dinner. We spent the next day driving around the area, playing Miniature Golf, and generally enjoying the vacation.

Lora was naturally concerned about how helpful she would be in an interview about such an old subject, but that concern quickly went away when we started covering history. She answered many questions about the nature of working with ANSI at the time, how she felt about the whole Art Scene that rose after her, and gave her opinions about ANSI as an art form in general. One of the more striking answers was about how many screens she did over the years; very likely hundreds. And by the time she hit her peak, she could essentially do the images once-through, starting at the top and just creating the artwork straight down to the bottom... and being finished.

This was an excellent addition to the artscene episode, and a great interview in a general sense. It always makes me feel good when pioneers are recognized.

RaD Man took additional photos of me setting up, which are included in this photo collection, and we got a couple shots of the three of us, a documentary maker and two subjects.

After the interview, we went out for dinner and talked about the nature of forums, our various projects and documentary plans. I took a couple shots, although the lighting was weird, and besides, I was hungry!


Lora Lee Ruffner, age 68, of Xenia, passed away Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at her residence. She was born September 8, 1955 in Dayton, Ohio the daughter of Kenneth and Louisa (Henry) Cohoe.

Lora graduated from Oil Belt Technical College and worked as an LPN. She later worked as a graphic designer. She met Richard D. Ruffner while purchasing a printer and the two were married January 13, 1989. Together they shared almost 35 years of happiness. Lora was a very talented self-taught home cook and took great pride in her meals.

In addition to Richard, Lora is survived by her grandson: Stuart Ruffner and his mother, Laura Ruffner.

Lora was preceded in death by her son: Stuart Ruffner and a brother: Wayne Cohoe.

She will be entombed at Woodland Cemetery Mausoleum in Xenia.