This is the How, What, Where and Why of the Creation of the BBS Documentary.
When I set out to make this documentary, I naturally did a lot of searching for
information about production, to see what I could learn. I'd been to film school
(Emerson College, Class of 1992) but I knew the world had changed in the decade
since, and I didn't want to miss out.
What I found was that there wasn't a lot of "this is what I did and why and how
I did it" sort of material that was easily findable. I ended up having to make
a lot of stuff up as I went along, learning and then relearning from my own
mistakes. I resolved to put up some sort of resource from my own experience,
so maybe some filmmakers down the line would be able to benefit.
The BBS Documentary uses the music of over 25 artists across all the episodes to provide
background sound and environment to the main stories. Some episodes lack any music, while
others are swimming in it. The music page provides copies of all the
music used in the episodes, down to the individual songs, as well as the thinking behind
the selections.
This is a bittersweet document; an expansion/explanation of all the names of the people the
various episodes are dedicated to. There are eight episodes in all, and seven have
dedications to people (the eighth, COMPRESSION, has no dedications because I thought
it wouldn't be tasteful). Here are the stories of the people each episode has been
dedicated to, with hopefully a hint as to why I paired that person with that
episode's theme. All these stories are sad in various ways, and I'm sorry there's
nothing I can do about that.
I filmed the BBS Documentary basically alone through its four-year production, in far-flung
locations throughout the United States and Canada. To accomplish this, I put together a kit
of cameras, lights, and sound-recording equipment (plus a few other things) to give myself
a studio in two bags, able to go on planes, in rental cars, and down the street (not to
mention up stairs). I provide an explanation of the thinking behind
my choices, along with some photographs.