                       F O R E M   B B S   N E W S

 Effective immediately Full Moon BBS is now your source for the FoReM
 BBS program by Matthew R. Singer.  FoReM is not new, it has been in use
 all over the free world since 1985.  Available in single line versions
 for the Atari ST (one meg RAM recommended) and the IBM PC (512 K
 required).  FoReM may be purchased directly from Full Moon for $74.95
 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling.  All orders are shipped with a
 manual that includes detailed instructions on installing and configuring
 When used in conjunction with the FNET mailer program by David Chiquelin
 (a shareware program supported at Atari-Oh! BBS 713-480-9310) either
 version of FoReM can be used to exchange messages with other BBS Systems
 You can order FoReM ST or PC by sending a check for $79.95 ($74.95 for
 the program plus $5.00 S&H) made payable to:
                              Stephen Rider
                              20 Cargill Ave
                            Worcester MA 01610

 Orders are shipped UPS only, specify a street address as UPS cannot
 deliver to a Post Office box number.
 For ST orders specify single sided or double sided diskette.  PC owners
 please specify 360K or 1.2 meg 5.25" or 720K 3.5" disks.  Depending on
 the media you order we will also include some useful PD or shareware
 utility programs that are widely used by FoReM boards.

                                                  Steve Rider
                                                  Full Moon BBS
 This offer is made in conjunction with Matthew R. Singer, creator and
 copyright holder of FoReM ST.  Offer not valid in Massachusetts.  (c)
 1985-1990 Matthew R. Singer