Short:    EazyBBS 2.21, Mailbox/BBS (supp. UUCP)
Author: (Andreas M. Kirchwitz)
Uploader: (Andreas M. Kirchwitz)
Type:     comm/bbs

EazyBBS is a Bulletin Board System (aka Mailbox) with UUCP Network support.
Online help, very easy to use for sysops and users. Fullscreen oriented input
masks, batch-upload and download. Up to 9 languages. Needs AmigaOS 2.0+. Only
german documentation (yet).

New in version 2.21:
 - File-list and file-check scripts for LZX.
 - Two editable scripts to pre-process batch-uploaded files.
 - Improved scripts for daily listing of files (for Anon-UUCP and News).
 - Improved support for AmigaUUCP sendmail.
 - Some internal changes, enhancements and bug fixes.

See file "History.txt" for full list of changes.