Short:    Trinity Multi-User BBS V2.0 (Nice)
Author: (Rodney Martin)
Uploader: (Rodney Martin)
Type:     comm/bbs

A very well written multi-user BBS program which offers all standard
BBS functions as well as: AREXX standard door (OLPs) support which is
compatible with most CNET arexx pfiles. Excellent multi-user conference 
section which is called PartyLine with custom configurations for the
users.  100% detailed SySop configurable.  Features not found in other
BBS packages such as the ability to completely speak all partyline
conference and online messages between users to the Sysop -- when the
sysop is not logged in, he/she can hear all confersations between users.
A unique multi-node control program which will display detailed       
information about all users on all nodes as well as the ability to do
certain functions to each node.. (add time, level, open, close, ect...)
I feel you will find this BBS program very useful.  To see Trinity in
action call Trinity BBS Headquarters at 513-890-6992 (28.8kps line) or 
513-890-5204 (3 14.4 Lines and 1 2400 line).