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Additional Notes:
| GREENE MACHINE Software, named after the author, Eric Greene, is actually
a nearly ground-up rewrite of R.A.T.S. (Radio Amateur Telecommunication System)
by Michael Friedman, which Greene got from Friedman. As a result of this,
Greene never considered it something to sell and gave it away freely, including
the source code.
From Version 3.0's Documentation: "Greene Machine by Eric Greene
of Atlanta, GA <404/972-7947> circa 1982. A BBS and file x-fer
system for the Trs-80 model 1/3 under Newdos/80. This is version
'3.0' with updates by Mike Berstein of Riverside, CA <714/354-8004>
and Tony Ferris of Longmont, CO <303/772-7229> circa 1985. This version
supports 300/1200 baud HAYES-type modems under Newdos/80. This system
was sent to 8/N/1 #001, as being in the public domain, by Timothy
Sewell of Sylmar, CA <818/367-6357> on 05/15/86." |