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Additional Notes:
| Brian Boyle writes "Message-80, written in the 1980 timeframe by Richard Taylor using modem drivers written by clay schneider (who was at Bell Labs). It was written in TRSDOS Disk Basic, and was able to fill a disk with messages, etc. I contributed some code to allow for downloading of programs (which had to be ascii-encoded...thus requiring the use of a binary-to-ascii conversion program and vice versa on the other end...) to prep the downloads for access by users. Tom Vande-Stouwe took Rich's source code in the 1981 time frame, rewrote some of the routines to straighten them up (M-80 was pretty basic...) and released Connection-80 in the summer of 81, Rich having given him permission to base his code on the original M80 routines and structures. Still used Clay's modem routines, adding in a hack to allow for automatic 300/1200 switching IF you were lucky enough to have scored an original AT&T Dataphone 300/1200 (I still have one lurking around somewhere...:))."
The Complete Handbook of Personal Computer Communications (1983) lists this software as being available from Microperipheral Corporation, P.O. Box 529, Mercer Island, WA 98040. |